Sasha my god you’ve left me alone in my thoughts
Despair drowning like a babe at sea
Lost, yet found and nonconforming to the forms given
Deep inside my head this makes absolutely no sense
yet every filter is written off like plunging assets
firesale at the bank because some asshole couldn’t make his mortgage payment
why do these thoughts creep in? they do not even intrude,
yet it is a simple question
simple desire
simple thought
simple action to avoid the voidness
which isn’t even a word
but a thought in motion
hung up on the words you find yourself swallowed whole in confusion
almost rhymed a repeat rhyme from yesteryear
only known in my own existence
so here we are,
reading each others thoughts
only mine are recorded for you to see
so can you share what I’ve brought to bear forth from with me
here to see
judged and judgmental we all are,
but if we can balance
and be that fair actor on this stage of life!
Where are you? stage or behind or in-front of .............
Bam, life interrupted.;)
28 May 2008