This is going nowhere so, by all means let’s keep going
I always hoped My life would be Fortuitous So, I lived in fear Now I pray
Social media is proof of concept That you can please Some of the people all of the time And this starts to feel mighty pow… But this feeling is a forgetting
When I got to the cave at the top of the mountain and asked the hermit What is the meaning of life? she said
If you want to understand human be… You need Sigmund Freud If you want to understand Freud You need Jacques Lacan If you want to understand Lacan
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
My handwriting analyst said my electronic signature indicates a Type A personality and that’s all she sees anymore I said
Let there be light blight and hindsight
The devil used to be a buyer of so… But now he’s a seller To the Big Five tech companies Because the money is just too good How does the devil sell
Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
It is only when you conduct a fearless moral inventory that you will come to fear God because you knew the right thing t… but did the wrong thing anyway
In the new cold war between the neoliberal west and the Chinese Communist Party the neoliberals are destined to wi… having already hacked the path of…
It was when Socrates ate the frui… that he added this second line of… I know that my wife knows everythi…
We are on the cusp of a great cala… The war of all against all Will commence as soon as No one lifts a finger Do not be fooled–
Secure in my authenticity I thought I’d avoided that trap which had ensnared so many of my g… the safety of ironic distance– until I realized that