Thanks to his bifocals Ben Franklin could see that while we might look like bald… up close we’re clearly turkeys
In this, the year of efficiency AI chatbots exposed a deficiency Because there’s nothing worse In the known metaverse Than a lingering sense of self-suf…
The days of having a cold spell have given way to the era of casting a cold spell
My self-care plan includes a cheat day when I get to go to church
It is said that It is impossible to define God But this is just because Real power is the opposite of obsc… Nobody knows it when they see it
If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced
It’s not a wine and cheese crowd unless everyone there hates crowds
When the ruffian challenges the professional by querying Am I here to amuse you? the professional displays his domi…
We treat life as if Postponing the inevitable When we should be busy Preparing for the inestimable
It’s not about you; It’s about me– This is how you know She’s breaking up with you It’s not about you;
Life isn’t fair But we are all equals In the struggle To stay out of judging others For failing at their struggles–
Life used to be hard And that’s how we liked it So much that we used to say Hurry up and wait In the understanding that
A wise man once told me When you don’t know what to do do nothing A wise politician
People don’t have beliefs, they ha… beliefs are just how we relate to… More simply: I am a relationship to desire
But if Francis Fukuyama is wrong I don’t want to be right