Cartoonists always draw the lightb… pointing up so that no one will think it’s a n…
Forgetting that God has promised To never repeat the Flood We’ve busied ourselves opening the… Expecting to end it all As we flood the planes
We are gathered around our phones Like little campfires And all we ever hear Are scary stories
We are hard wired for cooperation to better compete Marxism fails because it enacts a competition
In his weekend forays for psilocyb… he had always been wary of poisono… but he never accounted for the con… that did him in in the end
In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
God is omniscient And He knows we can do great thin… Sharing that knowledge with us In the form of our desire God is omnipotent
Faith can only move mountains by ignoring mountains of evidence Like most people who’ve lost their… I’ve retained my ability to ignore mountains of evidence
Not wanting to die We weren’t foolish enough To look God in the face Wanting to live forever We selectively remembered that Go…
Blathering on about the threat of the other is a means of slathering on the notion that blocks the light: If I am not what you lack
We don’t understand our childhoods so we spend our adult lives reenacting them in the hope that an outside observer
The pandemic lockdowns were the pa… and penultimate nonevent because o… limits of human imagination– We could only imagine shutting everything down
We’re hearing a lot of talk About saving democracy As if we were still A civilization ruled by a majority Which respects the rights of the m…
Unsatisfied with the miracle of li… Peaceful transfer of power in serv… The peace movement plans to establ… A mostly peaceful monopoly on powe…
The only reason that people wear clothes is because they have language