Much like nuclear weapons the whole point of having vacation days is never to use them
Augmented reality works through addition by subtraction where we’ve lost contact with real… but gained a sun
At the end of life you can either say I brought it or I bought it
We’ve gone from treating people as a means to an end to using them as props for pretend
No shoes, no shirt, no service Just say no Do not pass go, do not collect $20… Don’t call us, we’ll call you No pain, no gain
Rock and roll will never die because OK Computer replaced the world with itself
When people say I live on my phone I wonder how they withstand the pr… Of eight tons per square inch
War gave way Not to peace But to endless meetings
If the world exists on a continuum between utopia and dystopia but instead of polar opposites utopia and dystopia are both hell then at the exact midpoint
Scientists insist that 95% of the… consists of undetectable, unknowab… because this belief makes their ca… Like you and me the little that they do know
Our civilization is like an egg– It can withstand enormous pressure at the top (for the obvious reasons) and bottom
The bell curve is the Serpent With the lump in the middle Who ate Adam and Eve By convincing us we’re all mostly… But we’ve proven indigestible
To avoid road rage all rearview mirrors have been replaced by screens displaying a real-time computerize… of the way things ought to be
1. Make so much money you could he… 2. Remind yourself that “there’s n… 3. Tell yourself you need to feed… 4. Eat like kings
Charlie Brown wants To believe Lucy wants To deceive But maybe, just maybe