The dictatorship of the professori… uses neologisms to prevent counter elocution and to speed the transition to authentic sophism and the
The prevailing mood was that of a nuclear submarine having failed to deter Armageddon
I know how it must sound– A two-year long two—week lockdown— But let me expound And dish the lowdown: What we fear’s a hoedown
What if Vladimir and Estragon had actually been stalling for Godot
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
A smartphone with AI is to a person as a person is to a horse
Once masks became quote-unquote op… the unmasked were finally unmasked and the masked remained unamalgamated
The reason every man has his price is because he always fails to real… 1. that he can never get what he w… 2. this makes his desire priceless
People think that our second civil war will be a fight for the American soul but as Aquinas knew the soul is the form of the body
If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced
Instead of using our flashlights to move through the wilderness in the dark, slowly we believe that if we just keep shining them about the dark forest
The three most powerful words in the English language are not I love you; they are So be it
Our mistake is in believing That a lifetime of events Come varyingly in one of two forms… Blessing or curse When in truth
There’s always a deadline when I read a lifeline so I’ll cut right to the chase: Conjoined with your avatar you will live forever
My wife now relates to me very much as she does to stinky cheese