Our souls have a body Our bodies have five senses And we all have a sixth sense That there is no sixth sense Yet we’re left with a sense of sel…
Life’s greatest mystery is how other people could possibly have as little interest in my Spotify playlists
At the risk of defeating myself I’ll say it in vain: Love and aggression are sutured by pain making war and peace
I’m always leaving things at church so the lost and found won’t be empty
If you take the cognitive map of… and rip it in half you’re left with two Google Maps: the one on the right of Israel
When Plan A is not having a plan Plan B is not having an exit strategy
Our civilization is like an egg– It can withstand enormous pressure at the top (for the obvious reasons) and bottom
To get into heaven they tell you that you have to answer one question correctly and that there are
Women are attracted to men who tak… Because it’s the best possible clu… That he would risk his life for he…
We think of death As the worst-case scenario But what if In the best-case scenario Death is the answer to a question?
Paradoxically When you have a one-track mind Your body can go anywhere For your soul to accomplish anythi…
In comic books Superheroes assume a secret identi… In order to fool others So they can continue to serve othe… In real life
I was waiting for my ship to come… But maybe I should have made like… And built a ship Especially since my neuroses all c… You’ve probably heard of them–
If you’ve seen one mirror you’ve seen them all
We call the end of sex the little… And the idea of casual sex Is as absurd as casual death