You could say I tried stand-up but for the audience it was more like when the flight attendant demonstrates how to put on your own oxygen mask…
Social media submission guidelines… Submissions mustn’t be original wo… Submissions must be exclusive but the exclusion must be implicit… Submissions are always already ove…
I was always being reassured that I was in the circle of trust but kept in the dark as to my place in it
According to F. Scott Fitzgerald… “The test of a first-rate intellig… is the ability to hold two opposin… in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to fu…
Can you outrun your problems? Maybe, if you could run at the spe… But we’ll never know Because, as Einstein explained Running at the speed of light is i…
People think artists are painting, dancing, writing, or… when really they’re all whistling past the graveyard
What if Vladimir and Estragon had actually been stalling for Godot
We can be given responsibility by God but we can only take control
If you lower the status of all mal… The high-status males will be aver… And the rest will be bottom feeder… Eating away at the foundation
Where before It was handed to me on a silver-pl… Where everything real was just bel… Now I’ve found the real way forwa… By making it up as I go along
I always like to know where I stand and I always bring an umbrella that can double
The culture war is a secret weapon in the class war which the haves use to keep the have nots
My soul is the sole part of me My body makes me one of us My mind is made up Of body and soul– So, just like you, I am
In a twist in hell there are no consequences
In the beginning of the internet the world wide web was brimming with optimism due to a recency bias