Chris Gaither

Us: “If You Leave...” God: “I Will Never Leave”

In Judaism
The three most important prohibitions are against
Idolatry, adultery, and murder
In idolatry you abandon God
In adultery you abandon your soulmate
And in murder you abandon everyone else
Especially yourself
Because murder comes not just from fear of the other
But, more particularly, from the fear that
You are exactly who the other wants you to be
The only way to overcome that fear
And know yourself well enough
To kill the other with kindness
(After having assured that they are neither willing nor able
To kill you
Which is known as self-defense
And falls in that other category of positive commandments)
Is to fear God
Who will never abandon you
As all banishment from God is self-inflicted
Moshiach will bring in the world to come
Not by imposing his will
But when we self-impose our liberation
Through serving God,
Fidelity to the ones we love,
And the extension of that love to our neighbor
Moshiach, then, is a conductor awaiting his orchestra
And it is high time for
Orchestral maneuvers in the light

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