I finally realized that when Smokey Bear says Only you can prevent forest fires Only I really believe him
You start out needing money to advance your ideology but you end up mouthing your ideol… to rake in more money
Waiting for a sign Is a sign of the times And while we were waiting God kept delivering the raw materi… One day at a time
In our western culture you shan’t take pride in the power you’ve cultivated over the Other so you have to convince yourself
The sign used to say: Gentlemen may remove their hats All others must Now it reads: Ladies and gentlemen may wear thei…
When people ask Business or pleasure? I want to say Life’s only pleasure Is unfinished business
The wonder of it all includes everything worth loving but also everything that must be endured So, I wonder about
When I picked candy apples as my… (think spirit animals for foodies) I honestly had no idea I was naturally sweet but laid it on way too thick
You have to believe to commit And they think we’re crazy to beli… And would commit us as inpatients If only they had the patience But their patience has worn thin
To be the bigger person you need to realize that egos are like animals: the smaller their proportions the greater their proportional str…
Past– I know what I want Therefore, I need someone to tell… so I can go ahead and do it Present–
If the world exists on a continuum between utopia and dystopia but instead of polar opposites utopia and dystopia are both hell then at the exact midpoint
I used to say Nothing to see here but now that I’ve embraced transparency there really is
Counterintuitively AI’s two primary tasks– No one will ever get bored And Nothing will ever happen–
Actually, we all died in the pande… Life– I can’t afford not to Pandemic life– I can’t afford to… The afterlife– I can’t afford not…