Why bother keeping score when death assures that things always end in a tie Soon you’ll be able to get rid of death
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
Hell is a bottomless pit Making the first step towards heav… Hitting rock bottom I’m addicted to control And I’m handing control back to G…
When civilization was still buildi… deconstruction was all the rage Now that everything we’ve built is… rage is all the rage
When our mirror stage was over we didn’t just lose the mirror we also lost the stage In replacement we got a screen (for screening out…
The pandemic lockdowns were the pa… and penultimate nonevent because o… limits of human imagination– We could only imagine shutting everything down
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip
Just as the yin-yang symbol portrays both dominant sections with a small portion of the opposi… lack sows an abundance of desire and abundance lacks lack
I don’t get mad I get odd
Don’t think of a pink elephant and while you’re at it Don’t kill the messenger
The tough part about loving someon… is that connection supports autono… It’s tough to love someone enough to grant them their freedom and you can only do so
The US Constitution rules out cruel and unusual punishment but that and a nickel will get you 1% of a cup of coffee now that cruelty is the usual
It’s still wise not to panic but now it’s because you need to keep your powder dry for a moral panic
In the past they randomly distributed blanks amongst the firing squad so that you’d never know if you were really executing enemy…
Wittgenstein began by telling us t… Face the facts But the fact is A cold, hard bottle In the form of our addiction to