Mark my wounds, Our words will come back To flaunt us
You can use the Force or you can use force and the Force will use you because the Dark Side or the Light Side
The universe is always asking By chance, do you have a creative…
People want to get rich because they think money will make them happy People want to stay rich because they know that money
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
It takes talent to write a hit pie… but anyone can write a puff piece that in thirty years will read as a hit piece
From where I was situated There was no room to maneuver In the situation room And everybody else found themselve… In the same situation
Actually marr– iage is like riding a tan– dem unicycle
Those who show no compunction are the most gifted at seduction and short of a permanent injunctio… we all face induction by way of their unction
God’s not buying it Until you own it– Are we clear?
If you’re locked out of your house you can die from exposure but if you’re locked in your house you can die from overexposure
The pursuit of fame is the human equivalent of a dog chasing its own tail
My utopia is a dystopia where I get to say I told you so
There’s equality And there’s e-quality You know the former when you see i… You know the latter when it sees y…
I went to a personal branding work… only to find that my most marketab… leveraging value from a lack of or… lends itself more to generics