Past– I know what I want Therefore, I need someone to tell… so I can go ahead and do it Present–
We have religion for the heart and science for our brains but the head and the heart are afraid of each other because there’s nothing for the ne…
When you have to share everything else you can still hog the blame pie
In a Hegelian reversal, I couldn’t com– plain but it would help
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
Meatheads of the world Unite; No one else can
When we say something is infinite Say, the universe What we really mean Is that it is unfinished
Living during COVID-19 Was like trying to eat A bag of individually wrapped M&M…
In all my years as warden I could never figure out how to co… with NFPA code “Access to exits shall be marked b… readily visible signs in all cases…
The love was exactly as strong as… So, if I could keep the peace I could keep the love Somehow, someway, I found peace And to them this meant war
The lie you chose to believe Always contains the truth That has chosen you The lie is comforting Because the truth is disturbing
Smile and the whole world smiles with yo… Laugh and the whole world smiles with yo… Cry
Rare earth metals aren’t actually rare They take their name from the rare earth mettle of ardor, courage, and stamina
Living in the Information Age is… looking at a Pointillist painting but you can’t connect the dots
It’s no coincidence that a mirror… making all self-examination a form… in which I observe myself to remak… in my own image This only works if I believe