A movement can only cohere around a shared wish and the left sticks together by collectively wishing that Jews deserve what they get
Somewhere between 27% and 53% of… none of which students can legally… is wasted Let’s split the difference and call it 40%
Less self-interest is in your best interest except on Pinterest
We spend most of our waking lives alternating between procrastinatio… and delayed gratification as if by putting things off we’ve bought ourselves more time
No one who desires to be good believes themselves good; all those who believe themselves g… do so in service of their true desire
The difference between the Pax Romana and the Pax Americana is that while all roads lead to Rome
I’m sad to say I’ve never been happier And I’m happy to say I’ve never been sadder All of which is to say
The old saying– It’s better to have one and not ne… Than to need one and not have it– Comes from the fact that Everyone has what they need
Before I met you the happiest I’d ever been was when everything I’d ever wante… was on lay-away because I didn’t have to make any…
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
There’s always a deadline when I read a lifeline so I’ll cut right to the chase: Conjoined with your avatar you will live forever
A student’s job has always been to put received knowledge into their own words or, more simply to state the obvious
If Wile E. Coyote ever caught the Roadrunner he’d suddenly lose interest
I was an idea man with one good idea and I have no idea why they stole my idea of a good t… when they could just have it