You cannot make people want What they do not want And wanting it on their behalf When you secretly want what they w… Is a selfish wish that your dreams…
Generation X Marks the Spot Where a hex Is an aught But a flex
In order to live I can’t die (but you can) In order to live and let live I must (eventually) die
The left believes that the culture war can be won by winning elections The right believes that the culture war can be won
Every time I screw up God says what He has to say and then He says Over and I always think
I’ve been racking my brains for the perfect response to accusations of perfectionism only to land at a conundrum: a confession of false modesty is
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
Like many people I have dreams in which I’m flying but in mine I’m always flying
Whenever I hurt someone I’m sure that I’m a honeybee about to die But it always turns out that I’m…
Every strength comes with a corres… But for the strength which conjoin… And this strength is recognizing y… Then connecting with people who co… As one of the world’s strongest pe…
Free speech is when you can say anything you want as long as you don’t really believe it
Average academics Have a pet theory Dominant academics Have a pet theory about pet theori…
And then it hit me: My lone flaw is not admitt– ing to any flaws
When the ruffian challenges the professional by querying Am I here to amuse you? the professional displays his domi…
In the movies they always guess right when it’s time to cut the blue wire or the red wire on the ticking time bomb