Chris Gaither

There Is Nothing the Matter with Us That Singing and Dancing Can’t Fix

We are not material beings;
We are embodied spiritual beings
Language is how the spirit moves us–
As in moves our bodies–
Especially when words are set to music
When we sing and dance
Our bodies–
So accustomed to the drudgery of empty material concerns–
Are awakened to the spirit
That would animate our everyday tasks
Of tending to our bodies
If we could just remember our lines
Here is the first line–
Try putting a tune to it
As you rise out of bed;
It’s your invitation to the dance:
“Modeh Ani L’fanecha Melech Chai V’Kayam
She-he-Chezarta Bee Nishmati
B’Chemla Raba Emunatecha
(I give thanks before You,
Living and eternal King,
That you have returned my soul
With compassion;
How abundant is your faithfulness)”

Other works by Chris Gaither...
