It used to be true that “All the world’s a stage” but now that all the world wide web’s a gauge the real world’s but a Faraday Ca…
Just as in tennis I play to my opponent’s level in relationships
In days gone by we said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink In these more opportune times it’s widely understood that
Each and every TikTok is a remake of the Zapruder film
By Jove, the easi– est way to work on yourself is to get married
Woe betide the man who accepts an apology
Guilt is intolerable which is why “I can explain everything” is processed into “I have a theory which explains ev…
I always wondered if mimes were a type of clown until having my mind blown by the insight that
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
Time marches on and for mere mortals it marches to the beat of its own… which is how we got rhythm But the immortals found
The best part about Being a part of something great Is that I get to do my part
Because man is condemned to freedo… his freedom has no exchange value Still, every man has his price since he is always free to sell his soul to the devil
I often find myself telling God That according to the terms of the… You get what you need God insists I come to terms with the implicati…
I always like to know where I stand and I always bring an umbrella that can double
Upon my retirement I thought to myself Maybe now I can get some work don…