Whenever I hurt someone I’m sure that I’m a honeybee about to die But it always turns out that I’m…
You’re supposed to love everybody but everybody knows that’s putting all of your eggs in one ba… so everybody eggs each other on in making a western omelet
The closest I ev– er came to forming Voltron was using Groupon
You’ll know the movement for justice has ceased when everyone and everything comes to a standstill
Crypto is for the solvent Crypto is a solvent Invest amongst yourselves
TaB Clear whose only selling point was its clearness was offered exclusively in aluminum cans
A leader attracts a following The following attracts a crowd The crowd mobs the leader The leader forms a mob The mob goes mental
Everything on the internet is too… To call Leaving everything undecided But for this– We should all be worried
My dad was a very religious man He always told me You’ve made your bed now you’ve got to not eat in it
The central paradox of our broken world is known through the feeling of unsurprised disappointment Hope is the belief
Like a real life Picture of Dorian Gray my hair stays full even as my act wears thin
Nietzsche was right– “Life itself is will to power” But so was Plato– “The measure of a man is what he d… As was Lord Acton–
America hates its poor now more than ever because they are the embodiment of embodiment
When people say I live on my phone I wonder how they withstand the pr… Of eight tons per square inch
You can use the Force or you can use force and the Force will use you because the Dark Side or the Light Side