The far left puts the silent and invisible H in tolerate Guess where? There’s a clue
There was once a time when No Jews allowed Meant No Jews allowed But now they say
Because bodies make a fart joke of… etiquette used to dictate that whe… passed gas at, e.g., a dinner part… the polite thing to do was to pret… the fart never happened
Imagine what the mannequins say to… as they go their separate ways fro… as each ships out from the factory A religious mannequin says: There, but for the grace of God,…
It’s not that I’ve often taken leave of my senses but that I can never take a hint
Power is the ability To maintain your non-negotiables And the world to come Will arrive when we stop trying To negotiate a new deal with God
The two-week lockdown To bend the curve Turned into a year-and-a-half That bent our minds When
The fog of war is not knowing what’s coming next The fog of peace is thinking you know
Early big bang theor– ists were known for eating quite a lot of popcorn
Once again, we find ourselves unable to avoid asking– Why do so many people hate Jews to the point of wanting to see the… But let’s refine the question,
The older I get the less I pause for effect This is because the clock is ticking and I’d rather not waste my time
You’ll be able to tell that nobody knows what anything is wort… when no one knows who they can tru…
I’m no angel But I have two angels– One to protect me from others And one to protect me from myself So, I was never alone
There’s no time like the present as we now reside outside of time inside a stalled clockworks as useless cogs in the rundown machine
When I listen to the blues I can’t stop thinking of advice I’d give