If Meta has its way Meta will be to the metaverse as God is to the universe Of course if you look God in the face
Here’s the deal: You have no say in any of this but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have your way if you learn to see things our way
You can tell that the far right Borg and the far left Borg are one Borg because Donald Trump
We have passed from an age of temporary solutions for permanent… consider religion and death– to an era of permanent solutions for temporary…
I thought I’d crafted a mystique when all I’d rea– lly made were mistakes
The kingdom of heaven is like a tr… where gentlemen may remove their h… while all others must
In granting us free will God took the greatest of risks God also made us in His image God risked it all on us Risking it all on Him
They put a circle at dead ends so you can either live there or turn back but we just keep
Everything changed when Snob appeal became mass appeal Since once the internet democratiz… It only matters What you can afford to believe
People want the lockdown to be enforced with facial recognition technology because they don’t recognize thems…
Where my father’s faith led him to wear a clerical collar I struggle with faith much as I do with ring around the…
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
I changed My mind By following My heart
Meatheads of the world Unite; No one else can
Can’t buy me love but you can buy me likes