I was a bullshit artist until I realized a career as a bullshit scientist paid better
Democracy was superseded not by a police state but by a witness protection progra…
We’re told the space between galaxies is expanding but mightn’t the space within galaxies
Your brain doesn’t know the differ… between physical and psychological… knowing only what they have in com… Because both are life threatening your brain sends you into fight, f…
If you’re looking for answers life is a wild goose chase If you’re looking for the next que… life is a never-ending scavenger h…
If as according to us their problem is being worse than… at least they can get better But our problem
We call the end of sex the little… And the idea of casual sex Is as absurd as casual death
I don’t believe in myself So, I must control God I believe in God So, I can control myself
Blathering on about the threat of the other is a means of slathering on the notion that blocks the light: If I am not what you lack
Materialism is no way out of Cartesian dualism It just turns backwards– I am, therefore I think– in an infinite regress
Failure to pay the narcissistic wa… results in a fit of rage that cannot be assuaged short of an all against all rampag…
My A.I. Companion has one setting for telling me what I want to hear and another for what I
You can tell the difference Between those who are interested i… And those who are interested in se… By noticing those Who pay lip service to service
Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely p… But who is the audience? After all, we’re not performing
If you lower the status of all mal… The high-status males will be aver… And the rest will be bottom feeder… Eating away at the foundation