Knowing is half the battle but it’s always been left unsaid t… the other half is feeling We can now definitively say that you’ll know the battle’s been…
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
I’m not aware of the lies I tell myself Who is?!? But the white lies
In order to live I can’t die (but you can) In order to live and let live I must (eventually) die
All dressed down with nowhere to go
The fog is so thick now We’re buried up to our necks in it Our bodies out of sight And out of mind Making the ground beneath our feet
When space is finite we need to share which is colloquially known as using the Force When cyberspace is infinite
Nothing is Risk-free Except hell
The only way to survive being abandoned is to love with abandon
Happiness is the moment after the weight of the world is lifted from your shoulders and before it lands on your toe
How many introverts does it take to change a light bulb? None– We turn to an inner light
Our elites believe That the key to holding their grip… In the face of domestic opposition… Wringing their necks While in the face of external thre…
Like Ikea fur– niture, I am difficult to put together
When they replaced me at work with… I was suddenly able to devote a lo… to not being the creative type
Art is where the Symbolic meets the Real forming a liminal space between meaning and its absence AI-generated art is where the Unr…