Our task is never-ending And our time is limited This is a major source of complain… But consider the opposite possibil… Our work here is done
You can’t study for the purity test but you can copy from your neighbor
When you have to share everything else you can still hog the blame pie
God is the only Subject Who see things objectively So, God’s object Is to change the subject And God knows that, like Him, we…
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
If nothing is possible Because of the inevitable– We mortals all die in the end– Then we are left to do the impossi… And become immortal by
Instead of a scythe the mirthful reaper carried balloo… and we just floated away
There are no atheists in foxholes; the world is a foxhole
Staring at your phone came to be known as the thousand yard stare
When I was a child Parents sent their kids Outside to play Now we treat children Like little adults
Everyone who uses language believes in God Prayer is the act of admitting that you believe in God
If I live forty more years I figure my life will pay for itself
The Imaginary: I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it The Symbolic:
My wife fixed me with a stare that said Really, what haven’t you done for…
Time is money But time stops at the speed of lig… Which means the buck stops, too Making enlightenment the act of ta… For how you’ve spent your time