Mother Goose was always considere… a good enough mother Until lately we realized her failure to smother It was unanimous
Life is a trial in which the more you obey the guiltier you become Miraculously
On paper Scratch that On screen The devil looks unbeatable Since odds always favor
We pass through birth, life, and death like H2O phasing through ice, water, and steam so yes
The first and most important task when you’re joining a non-hierarch… is finding out who’s really in charge The first and most important task
The only way to avoid giving the man who has everything more of the same is to give him nothing
Gaslight, gas bright First-class I seek tonight I wish I may I wish I might Have the wishful thought
Our civilization has gotten around God’s injunction to be our brother… by being our little brother’s book…
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
Science was happily letting the cat out of the bag until Schrodinger’s Cat was found in and out of the bag at the same time
My corner of the internet may be infinitesimally small Not even a grain in a brick in the wall Yet still I’m a part
There are two kinds of people in t… Those who believe in God And those who believe in God But also believe in God You can tell the latter
Actually marr– iage is like riding a tan– dem unicycle
Because bodies make a fart joke of… etiquette used to dictate that whe… passed gas at, e.g., a dinner part… the polite thing to do was to pret… the fart never happened
In failing to put the I in team I took the erotic out of neurotic