They say that it is impossible To travel at the speed of light But slow and steady Always wins the race Because it is actually
Most people can get away with sweeping a few things under the ru… but when I started working at the… I couldn’t help noticing how the rugs looked like
Eat, drink And be merry But don’t drink And derive
The quartermaster is responsible f… and nothing more Some of you will be content to half-ass the rest of it Some of you will be willing to ris…
My wife– All 5 feet of her– Busted me out of prison So that I could get back To a life of time
Now that I’m wearing a mask I find myself telling strangers everything
The fear of God is hard to define… Like many things You know it when you see it Which is whenever you witness some… Summon the courage to do what must…
Friendly competition is heaven on… Culture war is hell on wheels Of time But now that our culture’s wheels… We’ll soon be out of time
The pandemic lockdowns were the pa… and penultimate nonevent because o… limits of human imagination– We could only imagine shutting everything down
Just as in tennis I play to my opponent’s level in relationships
If they were ever only attacking a… there’d be nor real need for the l… But the act of distorting an idea is always a pretext to the taking… So, you’ll know it’s a strawman fa…
As users of language we give off meaning the same way that plants as users of sunlight give off oxygen
I finally realized that when Smokey Bear says Only you can prevent forest fires Only I really believe him
Just as the yin-yang symbol portrays both dominant sections with a small portion of the opposi… lack sows an abundance of desire and abundance lacks lack
I have a deep need for love but an even deeper fear of rejecti… and God is both the greatest gamble and the surest thing