While others await the second coming my own second shortcoming (the first– keeping the peace
There was always an urn on the man… made from terra cotta Little then did I know it was for the remains of the persona non gra…
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
Think about how much control they… with a made up version of eternal damnation Then consider how much freedom you’ll be left with
I always thought everybody was saying It’s better to be safe, then sorry
Lunch is born free but everywhere is in chain restaurants
That moment when you reclassify yourself from a mystery to an unsolved mystery
I remember saying to myself Okay, this is it the moment of truths
Social media– the bureaucracy of the people– is an eternal now where you always have just enough time
My wife and I have remained happi… because she recognizes me as capta… as long as I acknowledge her as air traffic control
The wonder of it all includes everything worth loving but also everything that must be endured So, I wonder about
I’m always asking God What is the meaning of life? In response, God looks at my life… What is the meaning of this?
This ain’t culture war– it’s one cult in action with two rival factions
When the NSA reads my email are they ab– le to discern tone