My astrologer credited her work wi… for the discovery of a thirteenth… Jello the Jellyfish which shares the sting of my erstw… but is distinguished by a spineles…
A desire Needn’t ever be fulfilled Because in desire I have all That I will ever need
I was a bullshit artist until I realized a career as a bullshit scientist paid better
There are No shortcuts On an Infinite journey
You can cash in on your talent You can cash in on your good looks You can cash in on your hard work You can cash in on your good luck You can even cash in on all four
If you pursue any vice long enough you’ll either become bored or addi… scratch that– you’ll either become bored and qui… or bored and addicted
I always thought it didn’t matter if human beings really had free will as long as they experienced the wo… as if they did;
If husbands were like pro basketball players I’d be an all star but one with an exceptionally low trade value
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
Life used to be hard And that’s how we liked it So much that we used to say Hurry up and wait In the understanding that
Learning how to walk is learning how to fall forward while remembering to catch yoursel… again and again Walking is the illusion
When words fail you’re getting close to the truth But we’re just about to talk ourselves into
Civilization began when a discussion group convened to debate the meaning of the phras… The less said, the better
First, we learn how to walk Then we learn how to walk away For many of us This takes the rest of our lives But if we never give up
The ugly duckling Is not a duck But he is a lucky duck