My wife sleeps on her back while I sleep in the mis– take prone position
Unlike the erstwhile folks in acco… AI has a balance sheet for taste and determined that after their recent depreciation all jokes are in poor taste
I’m not a Buddhist but I understand that the bodhisat… doesn’t enact his escape from suff… exiting the cycle of birth, old ag… but through the determination to r…
Maybe We’re all Late bloomers
In banishing fear of the unknown By knowing it all Our risk is only greater Because now It’s the devil you know
You could say I tried stand-up but for the audience it was more like when the flight attendant demonstrates how to put on your own oxygen mask…
In order to survive, the out-group must make a constant study of the in-gr… and adapt to its evolving aggressi… The latest lesson is that,
Tired of my pre-contemplation phas… God sent me my wife Who Contemplated me during the honeymo… Prepared me for fatherhood
What I lack in subtlety I make up for in volume
Civilization is an attempt to filibuster death
Who is my trainer? God Who is my sparring partner? God Who is my cornerman?
I am just like everyone else In that I am nothing like anyone… Which is how I am one While we too are one
You’ve always dressed to impress But it’s only since social media That you can use your appearance To exact compulsory service
Given a choice We prefer A fait accompli
In Judaism The three most important prohibiti… Idolatry, adultery, and murder In idolatry you abandon God In adultery you abandon your soulm…