Funny how as the left lost its sense of humor it became a joke
Physicists insist that time can flow both forward and backward So, I always insist on sitting in the backward facing seats of th… because I need to be able to see
It took years of therapy but the octopus finally arrived at… that the reason she didn’t like th… was because they were so much alik…
Smile and the whole world smiles with yo… Laugh and the whole world smiles with yo… Cry
There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t already ignored
If husbands were like pro basketball players I’d be an all star but one with an exceptionally low trade value
Quick Draw McGraw taught us that in the wild wild west it’s better… shoot first and ask questions late… But Quick Bluff McGruff the Cyb… knows that on the World Wide Web…
It’s easier for capitalism to end than to imagine the end of capital…
I don’t have any delusions of grandeur; I have delusions of posthumous grandeur that would retroactively nullify
When we asked Jesus to explain the mechanics of the last being first He answered in yet another parable… It’s like when you’re playing tug…
From where I was situated There was no room to maneuver In the situation room And everybody else found themselve… In the same situation
To paraphrase Hitchcock a marriage is only as good as its villain
You can’t call timeout in soccer But you can fake an injury You can’t call timeout in life But you can fake yourself out By believing you’ve faked us all o…
To be the bigger person you need to realize that egos are like animals: the smaller their proportions the greater their proportional str…
The prevailing mood was that of a nuclear submarine having failed to deter Armageddon