It’s become harder than ever to be the court jester– you have to use humor to speak
Some families hide the truth in pl… By laughing at it Although it gets confusing for a c… When the truth is a joke That can’t be told
Human beings need to compete for what they want To ruin human beings try meeting their needs
Like the distended sleeve On the fake Gordon Gartrell Denise made for Theo A giraffe’s long neck Reveals it as
We’ll never win a power struggle But that’s never stopped us trying And we always end up tying Because our fates are tied togethe…
In days gone by we said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink In these more opportune times it’s widely understood that
Nothing is esoteric The mystical is the every-day There are no secrets But there is a lot of denial
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
Mating For Life Saved My
Funny how as the left lost its sense of humor it became a joke
The three day seminar culminated with walking across smooth sea glass and still cutting our feet
A long time ago I received my mission statement: The best version of myself isn’t t… I’m currently on my ten thousandth… Trying to figure out what this mea…
It’s come to my attention that My attention span is limited By what I want to see And like most people these days I don’t know what I want
Afraid that everything I wanted was nothing to write home about I was left with nothing to write home about