The day I found out I was as deep as a basket of botto… was the same day I learned that the problem with fishing for compl… is that you can’t throw them back
Until the company’s weekend retrea… I didn’t know that my leadership s… was like never having braces but still wearing a retainer
Those who can do talk shows Those who can’t teach others to show, don’t tell
In boxing you can be the real champ by beating the man who beat the man Just so
I never knew who they thought I really was until I finally staked my claim
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
7. “Strategic” nuclear war: Assured destruction = yes, but mut… 6. Giant asteroid hits earth: No one to blame 5. Cyber war:
First they promised us belonging Afterwards they clarified that they meant You belong to us
One wonders how they arrived at the 140 character limit per Twe… Did they consult the Kabbalah the average length of haiku or the heart rate of the hummingbi…
The old saying– It’s better to have one and not ne… Than to need one and not have it– Comes from the fact that Everyone has what they need
Privacy is when everyone can see you but no one is watching Surveillance is when no one can see you
I know what I want But do I want everyone else To know what I want That is the question
We all know death is coming and yet it remains a surprise ending
We can be given responsibility by God but we can only take control