We’re running out of time Because we’re running So walk, don’t run For though we have no time to wast… Haste still makes waste
Thanks to his bifocals Ben Franklin could see that while we might look like bald… up close we’re clearly turkeys
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t
We went from wearing galoshes over… to wearing galoshes over our shoes… to wearing galoshes as shoes and now we wear galoshes over galo…
Smile and the whole world smiles with yo… Laugh and the whole world smiles with yo… Cry
It was only when I shared my out of body experience that I came to understand it was nothing out of character
There was always an urn on the man… made from terra cotta Little then did I know it was for the remains of the persona non gra…
They couldn’t have been more obvio… in their preparations for the surp… trusting that I was the type loathe to ruin my own surprise
In this age of relentless people p… the merest exercise of reason is always a form of treason
The difference between your superego and God is that your superego says You must, but you can’t leaving you with worlds of guilt
It’s all over but for the shouting and this is the shouting
The problem is we’re running out of time and the only solution is playing the long game
My utopia is a dystopia where I get to say I told you so
You cannot beat God in any sport but you can tie Him in bowling
Our first category mistake was believing that the Real has me… when the Real is absolutely meanin… only the Symbolic has any meaning This evolved into our second categ…