Whether it’s a brute fact Or a gift from God We are free Is this fair? It depends on
Ignorance is bliss but playing dumb hollows out the abyss
History always repeats itself And we find ourselves once more On the banks of the Red Sea Under extreme duress To put it mildly
If you accept this mission This message will self-destruct In five seconds So that you can be born believing… Which is the necessary condition
In this age of relentless people p… the merest exercise of reason is always a form of treason
We have religion for the heart and science for our brains but the head and the heart are afraid of each other because there’s nothing for the ne…
Wash, Rinse, Reinterpret
The Declaration of Independence w… revised to guarantee life, security and the pursuit of criminals
The world to come is like a signature look that’s always a new look
When a woman chooses her mate His first real test Is whether he accepts her dare To propose If he does, we already know her an…
The fog is so thick now We’re buried up to our necks in it Our bodies out of sight And out of mind Making the ground beneath our feet
The pursuit of fame is the human equivalent of a dog chasing its own tail
Because, per Morrissey “We hate it when our friends becom… we got rid of success by eliminating all competition except for the number of friends
You have to do the right thing aut… At the same time you are doing it… This seems impossible because No one has ever quite done it Which is why you might call it
In regular old capitalism we used to say time is money In the attention economy we say