In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
If nothing is possible Because of the inevitable– We mortals all die in the end– Then we are left to do the impossi… And become immortal by
People complain that religion tell… missing the point that it enables… other people telling you what to d…
The biggest stumbling block in bel… that God is in control is further accepting that He put us in charge
The most common form of fooling ourselves isn’t thinking we’ve got everyone fooled… It’s denial that we’ve fooled anyo…
I used to believe that if no one was unwanted there would be no more Wanted post… Now I think that because we can never stop wanting
When they start to call you clear-eyed it just means you’re a cynic whose time has come
Blathering on about the threat of the other is a means of slathering on the notion that blocks the light: If I am not what you lack
With all other things human beings must guard against what is too good to be true in order to stay alive With God
Life as we know it Is a competition for status In this competition Socialists are unequaled As are you and I
My wife now relates to me very much as she does to stinky cheese
The Imaginary: I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it The Symbolic:
The biggest change in my lifetime Has been the change in the meaning… They don’t have a prayer It used to mean They don’t have a chance
I thought I was choosing between Life and death When really, I was choosing betwe… First and last place So, when I thought I chose life
When I was a kid we thought the end of the world was coming any minute via The Button Instead it came a little later