The American social contract takes the form of an unholy allian… If you don’t question my authority… I won’t hold you accountable So, when our barons traded the US…
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
Dreams don’t come true; They are true
Raised with reverse psychology– Love your enemy– It was only once The world was turned upside down That I saw things as they really…
Alas Nobody wakes up in the morning To kiss my ass Miraculously I don’t wake up in the morning
Those who were once just foaming at the mouth have been rebooted by social media… fomenting at the mouth
It’s not that I’ve often taken leave of my senses but that I can never take a hint
At first everyone was to be followed by a p… to protect us from terrorists or kill us if we were terrorists But then it was decided that
Freedom looks like Total autonomy When really, it’s The deepest connection
In cyberspace Nothing remains to be seen Because the fourth dimension isn’t… It’s money
They say seeing is believing but believing is doing so, logically, seeing is doing and I see what you’re doing so, I know what you believe
The opposite of failure Isn’t success It’s epic failure
In a twist in hell there are no consequences
Our souls have a body Our bodies have five senses And we all have a sixth sense That there is no sixth sense Yet we’re left with a sense of sel…