At judgment day they put the brief in debriefing by getting right to the point: You could have made a difference– Did you?
But if Francis Fukuyama is wrong I don’t want to be right
But you will always get a second chance to make a false impression
The opposite of failure Isn’t success It’s epic failure
When I filter my selfie it becomes a safie
If I’ve said it once they’ve liked it a thousand times
There is only one product but infinite ways to package it
I can love God forever Or I can have a beautiful bust of… And gaze upon it until I die Or, even better Upload the image of my bust to the…
You will find The courage to be great If you first Dare to be grateful
Life is a test but I’d been treating it like a quiz– which is a preparation for a test– under the assumption that when I d…
People need to be a part of someth… And light is both a particle and a… Surfing, then, is a mystical union… But the internet is a tsunami And surfing the web a death wish
On a sphere If you drill down far enough Eventually you will find yourself Drilling up to the surface So, while we may never get to the…
You keep the peace they get everything else
We’ve taken the last ember in the ashes for a glimmer of hope
There is hiding yourself and there is hiding from yourself; the former is often