Cartoonists always draw the lightb… pointing up so that no one will think it’s a n…
The difference between A garden variety bullshitter And a bullshit artist Is that bullshitting is easy But a bullshit artist
Because there is no I in lions, if a lion could talk, it couldn’t say I Which is to say, a lion can starve but never lacks,
You can cash in on your talent You can cash in on your good looks You can cash in on your hard work You can cash in on your good luck You can even cash in on all four
I may not be deep but I compensate for it by getting deep into the weeds
If you feel like you’ve been getting away with something you’ve probably been cheating yourself
The essay portion of the test Was explaining why The test only consists Of multiple-choice questions So, I wrote:
A poem is worth A thousand pictures A life is worth A thousand paper cuts So, if I were to
I know I think, Therefore I am All knowing Unless
There’s no time like the present as we now reside outside of time inside a stalled clockworks as useless cogs in the rundown machine
There is hiding yourself and there is hiding from yourself; the former is often
In the first half of life I tried it your way and succeeded which is how I got over you In the second half of life I did it my way and failed
Desire is Putting all of your eggs in one ba… Wisdom is Understanding that there is only o…
One thing I could do Was need control
Because I was both my private and public self I was neither and my trail went cold from there But now that there are neither