The free food programs during the pandemic were great So, to compensate people began to ration love
If the truth were merely regarded as false it might still have found its purpose but once degraded into
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It
In a nice turn of phrase Freud called the process by which… The dream work In that process, of course My wishes are fulfilled
A people pleaser pretends to live in Youtopia but really resides in Myopia because all he can see is what he needs from you
Mid-life crisis: the failure to start hoping you don’t get what you want
With all other things human beings must guard against what is too good to be true in order to stay alive With God
People want to get rich because they think money will make them happy People want to stay rich because they know that money
God is the only Subject Who see things objectively So, God’s object Is to change the subject And God knows that, like Him, we…
The most hellish aspect of hell is how some of the people there don’t mind it at all
The only way to survive being abandoned is to love with abandon
It’s always darkest before the yawn
When people ask me How are you doing? I tell them That’s above my pay grade
In school they put me in the gifted class but as one of my favorite teachers finally put it “There’s just something missing”
It takes billions of years for the… of stars to reach us on earth but for the light its passage is instantaneous Our current relationship with God