People are like whales who have gotten sick of plankton
We pass through birth, life, and death like H2O phasing through ice, water, and steam so yes
In 2019 KLM Airlines began advertising that you should take the train instead; it felt like being asked to open up the marriage
Carry a pen, should you need to write “Note to self: Congratulations!”
Post-pandemic life is a broken rec… Where they keep saying If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it
If God is dead we get eternal recurrence, when things just keep happening ov… and transference, where every authority figure
God gave us creation and said Help yourself and so, we plundered it realizing too late that the only way
Reasonable people can disagree By agreeing to disagree But unreasonable people Can’t disagree on anything So, they have to agree on everythi…
All the real archetypes are from the circus and I thought I was a clown until I found myself shot from a cannon
You wanted them all to yourself because they didn’t want anything to do with you and this is the sound of
A civilization can die From a variety of causes– Famine, conquest, madness, etc. In succumbing to boredom Ours will be the first
Materialism’s biggest assumption Is that death has the last word Which is why In their fear of death Materialists never let anyone else…
After the death of God religion lived on as an inquest taboo
Descartes wanted certainty He got it Now we’re stuck with it Uncertain how we get unstuck Does this mean we’re doomed or sav…
In France everyone thinks Scotch tape is crap