Not to be outdone I cut my face off to spite my nose
I believe in God and I believe in liberalism The tension between these two beliefs
At bottom freedom consists of the possibility that you are wrong
On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
Mark my wounds, Our words will come back To flaunt us
When I risk loss for those who are lost only then shall we both be found
In the beginning There is a darkness in which All you can see are the others But then you have time To find God
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip
The most common form of fooling ourselves isn’t thinking we’ve got everyone fooled… It’s denial that we’ve fooled anyo…
We all need to belong somewhere So, we formed online communities And found ourselves belonging nowh… Where once A multitude of One
As ever There is the easy way And the hard way The hard way Is being condemned to a freedom
In cyberspace Nothing remains to be seen Because the fourth dimension isn’t… It’s money
The number one rule For doing a number on us Is taking a number Because when our number comes up It’s only ever because our days ar…
Materialism is no way out of Cartesian dualism It just turns backwards– I am, therefore I think– in an infinite regress
God looks down and sees all of His good kids making bad choices God is one but decides to speak to us