I spent most of my life naively believing that people mean what they say Then I came to understand that even when people don’t mean what t…
Paradoxically When you have a one-track mind Your body can go anywhere For your soul to accomplish anythi…
People will only tell the truth when they think they can get away with it For example, perjury laws only wor… by publicly threatening jail time
A leader attracts a following The following attracts a crowd The crowd mobs the leader The leader forms a mob The mob goes mental
In the new cold war between the neoliberal west and the Chinese Communist Party the neoliberals are destined to wi… having already hacked the path of…
If you’re going to take sick leave… take FMLA
Putin lost his mind then he lost his war then he lost his job or Putin dropped the mask
Guilt is intolerable which is why “I can explain everything” is processed into “I have a theory which explains ev…
In East Germany they had a planned economy and an old joke: I pretend to work You pretend to pay me
Unconditional love is unbearable so there’s always at least one unspoken rule given to its recipie… Just don’t waste it on them
When life gives white people lemon… they make ginger tea lemonade wit…
Instead of using our flashlights to move through the wilderness in the dark, slowly we believe that if we just keep shining them about the dark forest
When we poll people about what the weather in heaven is like the most popular answer perhaps not surprisingly is like a cold day in hell
Looking back on college it’s unclear if I was a party animal party mineral or party vegetable
Language shouldn’t work A word, all words Are defined by other words Defined by still further words And on and on