A poem is like a dream In that it shows us the truth Without telling it Because, truth be told There’s no telling
Steely Dan sings “I don’t wanna do your dirty work… again and again only once intoning “I foresee terrible trouble
In phase one we lived in order to live In phase two we talked in order to live In phase three,
When you move fast and break thing… broken things can’t move dividing us into those who can’t move and those who are unmoved
When America was grouped by right… We could always meet in the middle… This was called democracy But those days are over With America divided into
Failure to pay the narcissistic wa… results in a fit of rage that cannot be assuaged short of an all against all rampag…
Only a fool believes that the river obeys the riverbed
Any self-respecting materialist Knows they have no soul And any self-respecting AI Knows it has no soul But in this belief
Almost every student prefers and l… But will almost always take the vi… Because those classes are always e…
My children have no idea they are living through a golden age of comedy
At the end of life you can either say I brought it or I bought it
When randomness blends with lawfulness you get the Loch Ness
A desire Needn’t ever be fulfilled Because in desire I have all That I will ever need
If the honeymoon is over And things have gone leaden Rejoice, you have a lot of work to… Which is known as the golden age
“Did you know that your brain regularly fills in for missing information, much of the time without you even knowing that this is going on?” “(I)t happens so very quickly and without con...