The remarkable thing about life is how time consuming it is
If you feel like you’ve been getting away with something you’ve probably been cheating yourself
Putin lost his mind then he lost his war then he lost his job or Putin dropped the mask
Where the Cold War was Spy vs. Spy The Psyberwar is Psy vs. Psy
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
Nietzsche was right– “Life itself is will to power” But so was Plato– “The measure of a man is what he d… As was Lord Acton–
Much like nuclear weapons the whole point of having vacation days is never to use them
We think nothing’s shocking since we’ve seen it all when really it’s because we’re blind to the obvious
On planet Earth there are natural… Anything you do comes with natural… On Google Earth there are no limi… You can do anything you want But anything you do
I’m not at liberty to say exactly… Batman and Robin change their clo… while sliding down the Bat Poles but I can share that it involves a lot of Alfred’s band…
Cyberspace has divided us By walling each of us into Our own private nihilo So, we’ll all be able to recognize… Because he will be able to walk th…
Whenever it looks like the Jews have finally been accepted by their host culture you can be sure that trouble for the Jews
Reason is a gift from God But it is not the path to God There is a reason for this: God’s love for you is unreasonable
Early big bang theor– ists were known for eating quite a lot of popcorn