You can only tell that People are truly free If they work harder than everyone… Which they do because All of their work
Everybody worships something But that something is amiss Hero worship is one thing But heroin’s an abyss Invisible from the One Ring
When life gives you A bottomless pit Fill it with Bottomless fries
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo
I have a prediction to make: We can’t predict the ending But when it’s all said and done Everything will seem obvious For example,
It’s said you become what you hate; I hate losing things
In theory rule by consensus sounds more democratic but in practice it leads to hung juries
A record sounds the same every time you play it A broken record is intolerable because it isn’t broken, it’s just…
Instead of using our flashlights to move through the wilderness in the dark, slowly we believe that if we just keep shining them about the dark forest
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
I won’t rest ‘til O– prah puts me on the cover of her magazine
Our surveillance state is uniquely American in that it is of the people by the people and for the people
Life is a game of Truth or Dare in which you never lose if you choose dare and where you never win if you choose truth
As mysterious as the caterpillar bursting into the butterfly a lifetime of following all the ru… somehow prepared them to change all the rules
At work They know me by my secret identity The mild-mannered Clark Kent But at home with my family I can relax and let them see the r…