Keep your friends close your enemies closer and your neighbor closest
Since seeing is believing all that we really want is kept out of sight, out of mind leaving everything we think we kno… to the imagination
A la recherche du temps perdu has been variously translated as A Remembrance of Things Past and In Search of Lost Time
The opposite of a gun to my head Is a claim on my heart And, claim on my heart I’d say The truth will get you
The first and most important task when you’re joining a non-hierarch… is finding out who’s really in charge The first and most important task
In our western culture you shan’t take pride in the power you’ve cultivated over the Other so you have to convince yourself
The state of nature, where there’s Something for everyone To fear Monotheism, where there’s Something for everyone
If I could change one thing about… I would stop trying to make myself Impervious to change
If, as is said Fatigue is the enemy of courage Then the greatest strength is stam… And the genesis of stamina Is constant exertion
The left believes that the culture war can be won by winning elections The right believes that the culture war can be won
In the real world there is no plot to speak of but plot devices everywhere
Not much has changed but now I’m a glass is ten per– cent full kind of guy
I wish I could be the Lone Ranger Instead like everyone else I’m the known stranger
I was never one for playing the field but I was really good at standing on the sideline worrying over my equipment
Raised with reverse psychology– Love your enemy– It was only once The world was turned upside down That I saw things as they really…