I like to think of The signs we are all seeing As God’s soft opening
What looks like the wreckage of my life is just my crumple zone doing its job
The only stipulation they put on our capitulation was against any abrogation in accepting their congratulations
In the last stage of capitalism the rich will be ascetics
At judgment day they put the brief in debriefing by getting right to the point: You could have made a difference– Did you?
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
All art’s politi– cal but some art is more re– ligious than others
In East Germany they had a planned economy and an old joke: I pretend to work You pretend to pay me
You wanted them all to yourself because they didn’t want anything to do with you and this is the sound of
Marxism is a sadism with a simple formula: My happiness becomes real the moment yours is dematerialized
In theory rule by consensus sounds more democratic but in practice it leads to hung juries
The cause of it all Is infinite possibility So, you can do anything You set your mind to So long as you maintain
Life is simple; the meaning of life is complicated As a man I’m a simple creature but I’ve been married long enough… that women are complicated
As the enormous asteroid hurtled toward Earth I found myself working harder than ever
History always repeats itself And we find ourselves once more On the banks of the Red Sea Under extreme duress To put it mildly