My wife now relates to me very much as she does to stinky cheese
I’ve done the math: In regards to #1 #1a is sadly mistaken
The Cookie Monster is just living up to the name Kermit gave him
Human beings evolved to avoid face-to-face conflict which was why until very recently everybody was talking behind each…
How anti-Semites use exegesis to… against the Jews: Step 1 – Cite Love your Enemy Step 2- Interpret
Post-pandemic life is like being a… Who comes home only to find Her parents have replaced Her obviously dead goldfish With a new one
Like many people I have dreams in which I’m flying but in mine I’m always flying
The Declaration of Independence w… revised to guarantee life, security and the pursuit of criminals
The culture war is a secret weapon in the class war which the haves use to keep the have nots
We think nothing’s shocking since we’ve seen it all when really it’s because we’re blind to the obvious
True belonging Allows for truth So, we belong to no one Even though we deserve each other
It’s true that some people have al… But it’s not dumb luck that nobody… The way it works is that People get as much truth as they c… And the rest of their load is good…
I always thought everybody was saying It’s better to be safe, then sorry
Chaucer said All good things must come to an en… Which was widely If begrudgingly Accepted as a good thing
The old playbook was all about helping you know the right time to go for it