My life was about to go down the drain but the drain was clogged
When you obey men They use it to control you When you obey God You use it to control yourself
Before Descartes, you had to prove yourself with deeds After Descartes, you could prove yourself with words It’s been a war of words ever sinc…
True belonging Allows for truth So, we belong to no one Even though we deserve each other
The difference between A garden variety bullshitter And a bullshit artist Is that bullshitting is easy But a bullshit artist
Told to shut my mouth I took them literally Zipped my lips And held my breath Until I could stomach it no longe…
To elide is to join together by omitting The world elides Jews abide
There is one reason And one reason alone That God won’t ever give up on yo… You are His job And God loves His job
We can’t tell you how anything wor… It’s computers? Nothing works? This party rules! It’s not the only party in town
When you have to share everything else you can still hog the blame pie
We are on the cusp of a great cala… The war of all against all Will commence as soon as No one lifts a finger Do not be fooled–
If you’re looking for answers life is a wild goose chase If you’re looking for the next que… life is a never-ending scavenger h…
It’s a modern miracle: With social media You can finally Have your fake And be it too
At work They know me by my secret identity The mild-mannered Clark Kent But at home with my family I can relax and let them see the r…
The human brain has 100 trillion synaptic connections which sounds like a lot but it’s only 0.0000000005% of the universe’s 200 billion tril…