My ego is too big
Our civilization is like an egg– It can withstand enormous pressure at the top (for the obvious reasons) and bottom
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
Why do we say Where there’s smoke, there’s fire when It’s the smoke that kills you, not…
Once I realized that I wasn’t afraid of sky diving just that my parachute wouldn’t op… I was able to conquer my fear without ever leaving the ground
Life is a trial in which the more you obey the guiltier you become Miraculously
If you want to ruin a man give him what he wants– This is the devil’s only secret
There are no atheists in foxholes; the world is a foxhole
We thought it would last forever but in retrospect we were having a high time at low tide when the clam digging was easy and the eating was good
It is said that It is impossible to define God But this is just because Real power is the opposite of obsc… Nobody knows it when they see it
The surest sign That people don’t know what they w… Is when they want to have it both… But since you can’t have it both w… They settle for enforcing one way
History always repeats itself And we find ourselves once more On the banks of the Red Sea Under extreme duress To put it mildly
It’s not just that “Man is wolf to man” It’s that he has always known this about himself and yet
I was shunned And all I can think about is What will happen if I am shunned