There’s no time like the present as we now reside outside of time inside a stalled clockworks as useless cogs in the rundown machine
There was a time when fools managed perceptions in order to manage reality, realists managed perceptions because they couldn’t manage reali…
I’m still the kind of person who is shocked that you can run out of gas and run out of luck at the exact same time
“The human body generates more bio…
I had just started explaining smar… When the alien stopped me in mid-s… And explained smart phones to me Originally, in order to monitor an… They were just going to attach
American Express changed its slog… “Don’t leave home without it” to “Don’t live life without it” in acknowledgement that
God looks down and sees all of His good kids making bad choices God is one but decides to speak to us
It’s as thoughtless as a fling conjoined with worshiping as we all “Move fast and break thi… For in going from built to last arriving at built too fast
In cyberspace We play Simon Says In an endless repetition of Repeat after me In the world to come
The passage from thinking we are more intelligent than other animals because we have more power to realizing that we have
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
They couldn’t have been more obvio… in their preparations for the surp… trusting that I was the type loathe to ruin my own surprise
I don’t get mad I get odd
The trick is to craft a conformism so elaborate that you convince yourself it’s bespoke
Like the distended sleeve On the fake Gordon Gartrell Denise made for Theo A giraffe’s long neck Reveals it as